A Paris-based production company committed to telling the stories of the ‘other.’

Welat Productions is a Paris-based production company committed to telling the stories of the ‘other.’ 

The inspiration behind our company is found in the personal story of its founder, archaeologist and writer Mesut (Welat) Alp.  

Mesut/Welat, who was born in the southeastern city of Mardin on Turkey’s border with Syria, grew up at the very meeting place of two great civilizations, Mesopotamia and Anatolia. He listened to what most of us recognize as the world’s most ancient mythologies, as fairy tales from his mother. He has dedicated his life to breathing life into the mythologies, the stories and the legends of his ancient homeland, and explaining these within the framework of the influence of the north-south dichotomy.

In this respect, Welat Productions seeks to listen and document, and to share and understand. To tell the story of the “other” within new contexts and through new perspectives, and by so doing convey how each and every one of us is similar to the “other” in more ways than we think.